array(70) {
string(5) "80827"
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string(11) "169U65TS-01"
string(13) "4006021013674"
string(16) "IQ-XL E Highbeam"
string(0) ""
string(3) "169"
string(1) "1"
string(29) "Echtes Fernlicht für E-Bikes"
string(32) "Real high beam light for e-bikes"
string(5) "299.9"
array(5) {
string(30) "Suitable for 11-48 V DC supply"
string(19) "High beam headlight"
string(21) "Regular mode: 300 Lux"
string(62) "Pushing the handlebar button activates 250 Lux high beam light"
string(76) "Requires at least 16 W nominal output of the drive system's light connection"
string(224) "["Suitable for 11-48 V DC supply","High beam headlight","Regular mode: 300 Lux","Pushing the handlebar button activates 250 Lux high beam light","Requires at least 16 W nominal output of the drive system's light connection"]"
array(3) {
string(78) "files/Produkte/169-IQ-XL-Fernlicht-E-Bike-Scheinwerfer-Busch+Mueller-Bild1.jpg"
string(78) "files/Produkte/169-IQ-XL-Fernlicht-E-Bike-Scheinwerfer-Busch+Mueller-Bild2.jpg"
string(78) "files/Produkte/169-IQ-XL-Fernlicht-E-Bike-Scheinwerfer-Busch+Mueller-Bild3.jpg"
string(0) ""
array(2) {
string(538) "300 Lux in low beam mode. Now that’s a statement made by the new IQ-XL by Busch + Müller. It goes above and beyond all previous light output values by far. The extensive light field is wide, long and homogenous but as with any headlight
approved for road use, its light/dark boundary is exact.
With a push on the ergonomic handlebar button, all boundaries are gone: With 250 Lux, the high beam light shines even further and higher than ever before. Previously darkened areas are brightly lit and all obstacles can clearly be seen. "
string(475) "Sensor-controlled DRL ensures best visibility.
High-grade black powder coating on an aluminium casing as well as a newly designed mounting bracket make the IQ-XL a design headlight for pedelec e-bikes.
The handlebar button shines green in low beam and blue in high beam mode. It can be mounted on all handlebars or combined with suitable Magura and Tektro brake levers to save space.
Like all our headlights: StVZO-approval.
Weight: 225 g. Dimensions: 60 x 70 x 65 mm"
string(1039) "["300 Lux in low beam mode. Now that\u2019s a statement made by the new IQ-XL by Busch + M\u00fcller. It goes above and beyond all previous light output values by far. The extensive light field is wide, long and homogenous but as with any headlight \napproved for road use, its light\/dark boundary is exact. \n \nWith a push on the ergonomic handlebar button, all boundaries are gone: With 250 Lux, the high beam light shines even further and higher than ever before. Previously darkened areas are brightly lit and all obstacles can clearly be seen. ","Sensor-controlled DRL ensures best visibility. \n\nHigh-grade black powder coating on an aluminium casing as well as a newly designed mounting bracket make the IQ-XL a design headlight for pedelec e-bikes. \n \nThe handlebar button shines green in low beam and blue in high beam mode. It can be mounted on all handlebars or combined with suitable Magura and Tektro brake levers to save space. \n\nLike all our headlights: StVZO-approval.\n\nWeight: 225 g. Dimensions: 60 x 70 x 65 mm"]"
string(16) "ŸÚt"ºì‘å BÍl‘"
string(0) ""
string(88) "files/Produkte/Busch+Müller-IQ-XL-E-Bike-Fernlichtscheinwerfer-Abblendlicht-300-Lux.jpg"
string(0) ""
string(3) "300"
string(0) ""
string(2) "10"
string(11) "169u65ts-01"
string(1) "4"
string(16) "IQ-XL E Highbeam"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(1) "0"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(1196) "["300 lux bij dimlichtmodus Met dit statement overtreft de nieuwe IQ-XL van Busch + M\u00fcller alle tot op heden beschikbare verlichtingsniveaus meermaals. Ver, breed en homogeen wordt het lichtveld op groot oppervlak verlicht, het beschikt echter over een exacte licht-donkergrens, zoals iedere voor het wegverkeer goedgekeurde koplamp. \n \nDoor eenvoudig drukken op de ergonomische toets aan het stuur worden grenzen overschreden: met 250 lux straalt het grootlicht nog breder en verder. Tot nu toe niet verlichte bereiken worden verlicht, en mogelijke hindernissen worden duidelijk zichtbaar. ","Het per sensor gestuurd dagrijlicht zorgt voor uitstekende zichtbaarheid.\n \nEen hoogwaardige aluminiumbehuizing met zwarte poedercoating en een nieuw ontworpen houder maken van de IQ-XL een design-koplamp voor e-bikes met trapondersteuning tot 25 km\/h. \n \nDe stuurschakelaar voor het grootlicht brandt in de dim-modus groen en bij grootlicht blauw. Kan op alle sturen worden gemonteerd, en met passende Magura- en Tektro-remhendels worden gecombineerd.\n\nGeldt voor al onze koplampen: Goedgekeurd conform StVZO (Duits wegenverkeersreglement).\nGewicht: 225 g. Afmetingen: 60 x 70 x 65 mm"]"
string(0) ""
string(239) "["Grootlicht-koplamp","Voor gelijkstroom 11-48 V","300 lux normaal-modus","Drukken op stuurschakelaar activeert het grootlicht met 250 lux","Voorwaarde: tenminste 16 W nominaal vermogen aan de lichtaansluiting van het aandrijvingssysteem"]"
string(28) "Echt grootlicht voor e-bikes"
string(16) "IQ-XL E Highbeam"
string(65) "/en/products/e-bike-scheinwerfer/parent/77467/produkt/169u65ts-01"
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