• LineTec function
  • Brake light function
  • Standlight
  • Part no. : 321ASKV
array(70) { ["id"]=> string(5) "76715" ["tstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["position"]=> string(2) "10" ["art-nr"]=> string(7) "321ASKV" ["ean"]=> string(13) "4006021009530" ["name"]=> string(4) "VIEW" ["version"]=> string(10) "BRAKE PLUS" ["parent_nr"]=> string(3) "321" ["version_nr"]=> string(1) "1" ["headline"]=> string(25) "Das eleganteste TOPLIGHT." ["headline_en"]=> string(15) "Striking design" ["uvp"]=> string(0) "" ["bullets"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(16) "LineTec function" [1]=> string(20) "Brake light function" [2]=> string(10) "Standlight" } ["bullets_en"]=> string(56) "["LineTec function","Brake light function","Standlight"]" ["bilder"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(84) "files/Produkte/321-Toplight-View-Brake-Plus-Dynamoruecklicht-Busch+Mueller-Bild1.jpg" } ["serie"]=> string(0) "" ["text"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(330) "Equipped with LineTec optics that carry light from two bright LED's through light guides right up to the edge of the housing. A high degree of all-round visibility. The dual lines of light visible from the rear offer other traffic participants more perspective, allowing them to judge your position better. That makes you safer. " [1]=> string(297) "Dynamo rear lights with the BrakeTec function must be connected to Dynamo powered front lights. The BrakeTec Rear lights analyse a signal given off from the headlight, and if speed drops significantly, a chip in the rear light will detect this and cause the rear light to light brighter in pulses." } ["text_en"]=> string(634) "["Equipped with LineTec optics that carry light from two bright LED's through light guides right up to the edge of the housing. A high degree of all-round visibility. The dual lines of light visible from the rear offer other traffic participants more perspective, allowing them to judge your position better. That makes you safer. ","Dynamo rear lights with the BrakeTec function must be connected to Dynamo powered front lights. The BrakeTec Rear lights analyse a signal given off from the headlight, and if speed drops significantly, a chip in the rear light will detect this and cause the rear light to light brighter in pulses."]" ["montageanl"]=> NULL ["eurowert_1_3"]=> NULL ["links"]=> NULL ["links_en"]=> NULL ["linkstext"]=> NULL ["linkstext_en"]=> NULL ["flags"]=> NULL ["gruppe"]=> string(0) "" ["lichtbild"]=> NULL ["lithium_akku_intigriert"]=> NULL ["linetec_funktion"]=> NULL ["sensor_automatik"]=> NULL ["kapazitaetsindikator"]=> NULL ["stzvo"]=> NULL ["m_gepack"]=> NULL ["gewicht"]=> string(0) "" ["m_sattel"]=> NULL ["m_strebe"]=> NULL ["m_schutz"]=> NULL ["lux"]=> string(1) "0" ["groß_lichtfeld"]=> NULL ["nahfeld_ausleuchtung"]=> NULL ["spritz_regenwasserdicht"]=> NULL ["bremslicht_funktion"]=> NULL ["standlicht"]=> NULL ["als_batterie_version_erhältlich"]=> NULL ["montageabstand"]=> string(0) "" ["schalter_an_aus"]=> NULL ["front_ruckstrahler"]=> NULL ["front_ruckstrahler_ansteckbar"]=> NULL ["tagfahrlicht"]=> NULL ["category"]=> string(2) "12" ["alias"]=> string(7) "321askv" ["highlight"]=> NULL ["name_en"]=> string(4) "VIEW" ["serie_en"]=> string(0) "" ["gruppe_en"]=> string(0) "" ["is_category_image"]=> NULL ["successor"]=> string(0) "" ["accessories"]=> NULL ["keyshot"]=> NULL ["youtube_code"]=> string(0) "" ["gruppe_nl"]=> string(0) "" ["linkstext_nl"]=> NULL ["links_nl"]=> NULL ["text_nl"]=> string(550) "["Ideale zijwaartse uitstraling door de bouwwijze met helder glas rondom. Dubbele lichtbron door twee superfelle LED\u2019s. Het gepatenteerde lichtsysteem vormt twee lichtstroken. Effect: fel afstralende waarneming van de lichtvlakken reeds op zeer grote afstand.","Remlicht-functie BrakeTec. De voorwaarden: Naafdynamo, lichtinstallatie ingeschakeld. Een processor in het achterlicht evalueert het signaal van de dynamo. Neemt de snelheid merkbaar af, registreert de processor het langzamer rijden, het achterlicht pulseert duidelijk en zeer fel."]" ["serie_nl"]=> string(0) "" ["bullets_nl"]=> string(51) "["LineTec-functie","Remlicht-functie","Standlicht"]" ["headline_nl"]=> string(27) "Het meest elegante TOPLIGHT" ["name_nl"]=> string(4) "VIEW" ["href"]=> string(47) "/en/products/archive/parent/321/produkt/321askv" ["accessoriesData"]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } }

Striking design

Equipped with LineTec optics that carry light from two bright LED's through light guides right up to the edge of the housing. A high degree of all-round visibility. The dual lines of light visible from the rear offer other traffic participants more perspective, allowing them to judge your position better. That makes you safer.

Dynamo rear lights with the BrakeTec function must be connected to Dynamo powered front lights. The BrakeTec Rear lights analyse a signal given off from the headlight, and if speed drops significantly, a chip in the rear light will detect this and cause the rear light to light brighter in pulses.
