• Toplight Series
  • LineTec
  • Standlight
  • Approved by German road traffic regulations
  • Carrier assembly
  • LED-Rear-Light with integrated Z-Reflector
  • Rack Mounting
  • Part no. : 340ASK-02
  • German SRP: 24,90 €
array(70) { ["id"]=> string(5) "80770" ["tstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["position"]=> string(1) "2" ["art-nr"]=> string(9) "340ASK-02" ["ean"]=> string(13) "4006021014275" ["name"]=> string(4) "DART" ["version"]=> string(4) "PLUS" ["parent_nr"]=> string(3) "340" ["version_nr"]=> string(1) "1" ["headline"]=> string(34) "Modernster Look für Rücklichter." ["headline_en"]=> string(28) "CONTEMPORARY MEETS SIGNATURE" ["uvp"]=> string(4) "24.9" ["bullets"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(42) "LED-Rear-Light with integrated Z-Reflector" [1]=> string(13) "Rack Mounting" } ["bullets_en"]=> string(62) "["LED-Rear-Light with integrated Z-Reflector","Rack Mounting"]" ["bilder"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(65) "files/Produkte/340-Dart-Dynamo-Ruecklicht-Busch+Mueller-Bild1.jpg" [1]=> string(65) "files/Produkte/340-Dart-Dynamo-Ruecklicht-Busch+Mueller-Bild2.jpg" [2]=> string(65) "files/Produkte/340-Dart-Dynamo-Ruecklicht-Busch+Mueller-Bild3.jpg" } ["serie"]=> string(14) "Toplight-Serie" ["text"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(206) "Powerful and uniform light thanks to new LED technology. The integrated Z-reflector and three arrow-shaped elements each on the left and right ensure maximum attention. Easy to mount on the luggage carrier." [1]=> string(165) "For customised installation with a choice of 50 mm or 80 mm bolt spacing using freely interchangeable screws on the rear. Weight: 50 g. Dimensions: 102 x 24 x 32 mm." } ["text_en"]=> string(379) "["Powerful and uniform light thanks to new LED technology. The integrated Z-reflector and three arrow-shaped elements each on the left and right ensure maximum attention. Easy to mount on the luggage carrier.","For customised installation with a choice of 50 mm or 80 mm bolt spacing using freely interchangeable screws on the rear.\nWeight: 50 g. Dimensions: 102 x 24 x 32 mm."]" ["montageanl"]=> string(16) "ýÐ Áóë‘åBÍl‘" ["eurowert_1_3"]=> string(1) "2" ["links"]=> NULL ["links_en"]=> NULL ["linkstext"]=> NULL ["linkstext_en"]=> NULL ["flags"]=> NULL ["gruppe"]=> string(0) "" ["lichtbild"]=> NULL ["lithium_akku_intigriert"]=> NULL ["linetec_funktion"]=> string(1) "1" ["sensor_automatik"]=> string(1) "0" ["kapazitaetsindikator"]=> NULL ["stzvo"]=> string(1) "1" ["m_gepack"]=> string(1) "1" ["gewicht"]=> string(0) "" ["m_sattel"]=> NULL ["m_strebe"]=> string(1) "0" ["m_schutz"]=> string(1) "0" ["lux"]=> NULL ["groß_lichtfeld"]=> NULL ["nahfeld_ausleuchtung"]=> NULL ["spritz_regenwasserdicht"]=> NULL ["bremslicht_funktion"]=> string(1) "0" ["standlicht"]=> string(1) "1" ["als_batterie_version_erhältlich"]=> string(1) "0" ["montageabstand"]=> string(5) "50/80" ["schalter_an_aus"]=> NULL ["front_ruckstrahler"]=> NULL ["front_ruckstrahler_ansteckbar"]=> NULL ["tagfahrlicht"]=> NULL ["category"]=> string(1) "2" ["alias"]=> string(9) "340ask-02" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["name_en"]=> string(4) "DART" ["serie_en"]=> string(15) "Toplight Series" ["gruppe_en"]=> string(0) "" ["is_category_image"]=> NULL ["successor"]=> string(0) "" ["accessories"]=> NULL ["keyshot"]=> NULL ["youtube_code"]=> string(0) "" ["gruppe_nl"]=> string(0) "" ["linkstext_nl"]=> NULL ["links_nl"]=> NULL ["text_nl"]=> string(410) "["Krachtig en gelijkmatig schijnend licht dankzij nieuwe LED-technologie. De ge\u00efntegreerde Z-reflector en de drie pijlvormige elementen links en rechts zorgen voor maximale aandacht. Gemakkelijk te monteren op de bagagedrager.","Voor montage op maat met een keuze uit 50 mm of 80 mm boutafstand met behulp van vrij verwisselbare schroeven aan de achterkant.\nGewicht: 50 g. Afmetingen: 102 x 24 x 32 mm."]" ["serie_nl"]=> string(14) "Toplight-Serie" ["bullets_nl"]=> string(86) "["LED-achterlicht","Ge\u00efntegreerde reflector met groot oppervlak, met Z-keurmerk"]" ["headline_nl"]=> string(41) "De meest moderne look voor achterlichten." ["name_nl"]=> string(4) "DART" ["href"]=> string(60) "/en/products/dynamo-rucklichter/parent/340/produkt/340ask-02" ["accessoriesData"]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } }


Powerful and uniform light thanks to new LED technology. The integrated Z-reflector and three arrow-shaped elements each on the left and right ensure maximum attention. Easy to mount on the luggage carrier.

For customised installation with a choice of 50 mm or 80 mm bolt spacing using freely interchangeable screws on the rear. Weight: 50 g. Dimensions: 102 x 24 x 32 mm.
