• LED-Rear-Light
  • Integrated Z-Reflector
  • Can be mounted to mudguard, seat strut ot seat post
  • Suitable for 6-12 V DC supply
  • Part no. : 333ALDC
  • German SRP: 26,90 €
array(70) { ["id"]=> string(5) "75103" ["tstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["position"]=> string(2) "15" ["art-nr"]=> string(7) "333ALDC" ["ean"]=> string(13) "4006021013544" ["name"]=> string(9) "SECUZED E" ["version"]=> string(0) "" ["parent_nr"]=> string(3) "333" ["version_nr"]=> string(1) "1" ["headline"]=> string(47) "LED-Rücklicht mit integriertem Z-Rückstrahler" ["headline_en"]=> string(41) "LED taillight with integrated Z-reflector" ["uvp"]=> string(4) "26.9" ["bullets"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(15) "LED-Rear-Light " [1]=> string(22) "Integrated Z-Reflector" [2]=> string(52) "Can be mounted to mudguard, seat strut ot seat post " [3]=> string(29) "Suitable for 6-12 V DC supply" } ["bullets_en"]=> string(131) "["LED-Rear-Light ","Integrated Z-Reflector","Can be mounted to mudguard, seat strut ot seat post ","Suitable for 6-12 V DC supply"]" ["bilder"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(68) "files/Produkte/333-Secuzed-E-Bike-Ruecklicht-Busch+Mueller-Bild1.jpg" [1]=> string(68) "files/Produkte/333-Secuzed-E-Bike-Ruecklicht-Busch+Mueller-Bild2.jpg" [2]=> string(68) "files/Produkte/333-Secuzed-E-Bike-Ruecklicht-Busch+Mueller-Bild3.jpg" } ["serie"]=> string(0) "" ["text"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(205) "SECUZED is the smallest bicycle rear light integrating a Z reflector. The SECUZED covers both reflector and lighting requirements in well designed and compact product. No need for additional reflectors. " [1]=> string(576) "The central part is the Z reflector. Thanks to state of the art prism technology, this reflector is wonderfully small and nonetheless fulfils regulatory requirements. The minimalistic rear light contains a crown of ten super bright LEDs around the reflector rim. The positioning of these LEDs means the rear light offers premium visibility and safety even under difficult conditions. Two tail lights (symmetrical to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle) are required for strut mounting. Like all our rear lights: StVZO-approval. Weight: 30 g. Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 55 mm." } ["text_en"]=> string(797) "["SECUZED is the smallest bicycle rear light integrating a Z reflector. The SECUZED covers \nboth reflector and lighting requirements in well designed and compact product. No need \nfor additional reflectors. ","The central part is the Z reflector. Thanks to state of the art prism technology, this \nreflector is wonderfully small and nonetheless fulfils regulatory requirements. The \nminimalistic rear light contains a crown of ten super bright LEDs around the reflector rim. \nThe positioning of these LEDs means the rear light offers premium visibility and safety \neven under difficult conditions. \nTwo tail lights (symmetrical to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle) are required for strut mounting.\nLike all our rear lights: StVZO-approval.\nWeight: 30 g. Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 55 mm."]" ["montageanl"]=> string(16) "ýÐ Áóë‘åBÍl‘" ["eurowert_1_3"]=> NULL ["links"]=> NULL ["links_en"]=> NULL ["linkstext"]=> NULL ["linkstext_en"]=> NULL ["flags"]=> NULL ["gruppe"]=> string(0) "" ["lichtbild"]=> NULL ["lithium_akku_intigriert"]=> NULL ["linetec_funktion"]=> NULL ["sensor_automatik"]=> NULL ["kapazitaetsindikator"]=> NULL ["stzvo"]=> NULL ["m_gepack"]=> NULL ["gewicht"]=> string(0) "" ["m_sattel"]=> NULL ["m_strebe"]=> NULL ["m_schutz"]=> NULL ["lux"]=> string(1) "0" ["groß_lichtfeld"]=> NULL ["nahfeld_ausleuchtung"]=> NULL ["spritz_regenwasserdicht"]=> NULL ["bremslicht_funktion"]=> NULL ["standlicht"]=> NULL ["als_batterie_version_erhältlich"]=> NULL ["montageabstand"]=> string(0) "" ["schalter_an_aus"]=> NULL ["front_ruckstrahler"]=> NULL ["front_ruckstrahler_ansteckbar"]=> NULL ["tagfahrlicht"]=> NULL ["category"]=> string(2) "11" ["alias"]=> string(7) "333aldc" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["name_en"]=> string(9) "SECUZED E" ["serie_en"]=> string(0) "" ["gruppe_en"]=> string(0) "" ["is_category_image"]=> NULL ["successor"]=> string(0) "" ["accessories"]=> NULL ["keyshot"]=> NULL ["youtube_code"]=> string(0) "" ["gruppe_nl"]=> string(0) "" ["linkstext_nl"]=> NULL ["links_nl"]=> NULL ["text_nl"]=> string(989) "["Het SECUZED is het kleinste fietsachterlicht, dat een reflector met Z-keurmerk bevat. Dat biedt het voordeel, dat naast deze compacte SECUZED geen verdere reflectoren achter aan de fiets moeten worden aangebracht.","Het centrum van het achterlicht wordt gevormd door een achterreflector met Z-keurmerk, die dankzij nieuw ontwikkelde prismatechnologie zo klein als mogelijk uitvalt, tegelijkertijd echter ook alle nodige reflecterende waarden conform de norm STVO levert. Omgeven wordt deze minimalistische reflector door een lichtkrans van tien superfelle LED\u2019s. Door de bijzondere plaatsing van de LED\u2019s is het achterlicht ook bij ongunstige zichtomstandigheden goed te zien en biedt zo uiterst grote veiligheid. Twee achterlichten (symmetrisch ten opzichte van de lengteas van het voertuig) zijn vereist voor de montage van stutten. Geldt voor al onze achterlichten: Goedgekeurd conform StVZO (Duits wegenverkeersreglement WVW).\nGewicht: 30 g. Afmetingen: 35 x 35 x 55 mm."]" ["serie_nl"]=> string(0) "" ["bullets_nl"]=> string(144) "["LED-achterlicht","Ge\u00efntegreerde achterreflector, met Z-keurmerk","Montage op spatbord zadelpen of achtervork","Voor gelijkstroom 6-12 V"]" ["headline_nl"]=> string(65) "LED-achterlicht met geïntegreerde achterreflector met Z-keurmerk" ["name_nl"]=> string(9) "SECUZED E" ["href"]=> string(59) "/en/products/e-bike-rücklichter/parent/333/produkt/333aldc" ["accessoriesData"]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } }

LED taillight with integrated Z-reflector

SECUZED is the smallest bicycle rear light integrating a Z reflector. The SECUZED covers both reflector and lighting requirements in well designed and compact product. No need for additional reflectors.

The central part is the Z reflector. Thanks to state of the art prism technology, this reflector is wonderfully small and nonetheless fulfils regulatory requirements. The minimalistic rear light contains a crown of ten super bright LEDs around the reflector rim. The positioning of these LEDs means the rear light offers premium visibility and safety even under difficult conditions. Two tail lights (symmetrical to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle) are required for strut mounting. Like all our rear lights: StVZO-approval. Weight: 30 g. Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 55 mm.
