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string(15) "516711GR42TS-04"
string(13) "4006021013612"
string(16) "IQ-XS E friendly"
string(0) ""
string(4) "5167"
string(1) "1"
string(60) "Kompostierbares Kunststoffgehäuse für mehr Nachhaltigkeit "
string(69) "Headlight with bio-degradable plastic casing for more sustainability "
string(17) "89.90000000000001"
array(5) {
string(35) "100 % bio-degradable plastic casing"
string(28) "Suitable for 6-42V DC supply"
string(22) "Extensive beam pattern"
string(17) "Close range light"
string(21) "Daytime running light"
string(139) "["100 % bio-degradable plastic casing","Suitable for 6-42V DC supply","Extensive beam pattern","Close range light","Daytime running light"]"
array(3) {
string(76) "files/Produkte/5167-IQ-XS-friendly-Bike-Scheinwerfer-Busch+Mueller-Bild1.jpg"
string(76) "files/Produkte/5167-IQ-XS-friendly-Bike-Scheinwerfer-Busch+Mueller-Bild2.jpg"
string(76) "files/Produkte/5167-IQ-XS-friendly-Bike-Scheinwerfer-Busch+Mueller-Bild3.jpg"
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array(2) {
string(470) "The IQ-XS friendly by Busch + Müller is the first in a new product range of headlights with a plastic casing that is bio-degradable, 100% free of residues. This development makes it possible to manufacture plastic component parts more environmentally friendly whilst maintaining the quality levels of conventional plastic parts.
The headlight also offers an impressive 80 Lux light output, sensor-controlled daytime LEDs, standlight and a screw-on front reflector. "
string(916) "„Friendly“ is part of a company philosophy that involves all operational sectors of Busch + Müller. Processes are and will be continually analysed and adapted. Always with the goal of protecting the environment and operating at a higher level of sustainability. One example is the use of heat from the moulding department: The excess heat of the moulding machines is collected and used to power the underfloor heating of the production facility and storage depot.
Additionally, all plastic blister packaging will be faded out in favour of ecologically sustainable paper packaging originating from FSC-certified forestry. This guarantees that all lumbered trees are reforested completely.
Our goal as Busch + Müller is to become more and more „friendly“, step by step.
Like all our headlights: StVZO-approval.
This product also has the French approval mark.
Weight: 90 g. Dimensions: 50 x 50 x 45 mm."
string(1427) "["The IQ-XS friendly by Busch + M\u00fcller is the first in a new product range of headlights with a plastic casing that is bio-degradable, 100% free of residues. This development makes it possible to manufacture plastic component parts more environmentally friendly whilst maintaining the quality levels of conventional plastic parts. \n \nThe headlight also offers an impressive 80 Lux light output, sensor-controlled daytime LEDs, standlight and a screw-on front reflector. ","\u201eFriendly\u201c is part of a company philosophy that involves all operational sectors of Busch + M\u00fcller. Processes are and will be continually analysed and adapted. Always with the goal of protecting the environment and operating at a higher level of sustainability. One example is the use of heat from the moulding department: The excess heat of the moulding machines is collected and used to power the underfloor heating of the production facility and storage depot. \n \nAdditionally, all plastic blister packaging will be faded out in favour of ecologically sustainable paper packaging originating from FSC-certified forestry. This guarantees that all lumbered trees are reforested completely. \n \nOur goal as Busch + M\u00fcller is to become more and more \u201efriendly\u201c, step by step.\n\nLike all our headlights: StVZO-approval.\nThis product also has the French approval mark.\nWeight: 90 g. Dimensions: 50 x 50 x 45 mm."]"
string(16) " YÆ
"ºì‘å BÍl‘"
string(0) ""
string(65) "files/Produkte/Busch+Müller-IQ-XS-E-Bike-Scheinwerfer-80-Lux.jpg"
string(0) ""
string(2) "80"
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string(15) "516711gr42ts-04"
string(1) "0"
string(16) "IQ-XS E friendly"
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string(1461) "["De IQ-XS friendly is de eerste koplamp van een nieuwe productserie met een 100\u00a0% restloos composteerbare kunststofbehuizing. Met deze ontwikkeling is het mogelijk geworden om kunststofcomponenten milieuvriendelijker maar met de bekende goede kwaliteit te produceren. \n \nDe koplamp biedt bovendien een lichtopbrengst van 80 lux, sensorgestuurde LED\u2019s voor dagrijlicht, standlicht alsmede een opschroefbare frontreflector. ","\u201eFriendly\u201c is bovendien een filosofie, die alle afdelingen van Busch + M\u00fcller betreft. Processen zijn niet alleen in het verleden maar worden ook momenteel continu geanalyseerd en aangepast. Steeds met het doel het milieu te beschermen en duurzaam te werken. Een voorbeeld daarvan is het gebruik van warmte in de kunststofspuiterij: de afvalwarmte van de spuitmachines wordt gebruikt voor de vloerverwarming van de productie- en magazijnhallen. \n \nVerder worden verpakkingen van blisters op ecologisch duurzame verpakkingen van karton uit 100\u00a0% FSC-gecertificeerde bosbedrijven omgesteld. Daarbij wordt gegarandeerd dat voor alle bomen die voor het papier worden geveld, weer nieuwe worden aangeplant. \n\nHet is het doel van Busch + M\u00fcller, steeds meer milieu-\u201efriendly\u201c te worden. \n\nGeldt voor al onze koplampen: Goedgekeurd conform StVZO (Duits wegenverkeersreglement).\nVoor deze koplamp bestaat extra een goedkeuring voor Frankrijk.\nGewicht: 90 g. Afmetingen: 50 x 50 x 45 mm."]"
string(0) ""
string(138) "["100 % composteerbare kunststofbehuizing ","Voor gelijkstroom 6-42 V","Lichtveld groot oppervlak","Nabijverlichting","Dagrijverlichting"]"
string(57) "Composteerbare kunststofbehuizing voor meer duurzaamheid "
string(16) "IQ-XS E friendly"
string(68) "/en/products/e-bike-scheinwerfer/parent/5167/produkt/516711gr42ts-04"
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